Camera Magic

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Welcome to my web site.  This site is primarily dedicated to digital photography, plus a few related items that may be of interest.  It is not my intent to get into the hi-tech side of photography, but rather share some of the practical applications that I have discovered through experience, observation and  study from various sources.  This site was created as simply a fun place to showcase a little of my work and some techniques which I have found to be quite useful, and also to provide links to sites where further information about the art of photography can be obtained.

Photography is a fascinating art that can be enjoyed by anyone who has an interest in capturing a moment in time. From young children to senior citizens, regardless of background and skill levels are enjoying the this exciting activity.

There are many pros and cons for digital vs. film photography.  For my interest, I find the advantages to be in favor of digital. One of the primary advantages is that it allows for the freedom to make errors. 

  On the average about one in ten photos are keepers, with the other nine being discarded.  With film, this can become expensive, depending on the number of photos taken.  However, with digital you have the choice of processing only the ones that are worthy.  Please join me on an exciting journey exploring the fascinating art of digital photography